Official Course Description
This seminar aims to familiarize the students with the tools to analyze and research foreign policy decisions. Hundreds of foreign policy decisions are taken around the world each day. Some are of minor importance while others are immediately classified as historical events. Each decision is accompanied by comments, hypotheses, and analyses as to why this course of action was taken rather than another. Those theories fill op-eds, televised debates, and conspiratorial videos. Did the USA invade Iraq for its oil? Will China attack Taiwan? Why is the EU imposing economic sanctions against Russia?

While this seminar will not offer a definitive answer to any of those questions, it aims to survey state-of-the-art academic research on Foreign Policy Analysis theories and methods. In doing so, it will equip the students with the ability to assess that roles of different factors—interests, ideas, institutions, psychology—play into the formulation and implementation of foreign policy decisions. Foreign Policy Analysis offers a micro-perspective on international politics, enriching the skills and knowledge of students already familiar with the field of International Relations while providing a good introduction to students coming from different horizons.

Online Offerings

Semester: ST 2023