Digital Teaching
The course Grundlagen des CAE/CAD (CAE/CAD) is expected to be held on site in WiSe 23/24. The lecture will be digitally broadcasted and complemented by additional digital materials such as demonstrations and exercises.

The teaching will start in week 43 ([b]from 23.10.2023[/b]) and will take place on the weekdays and times specified in the schedule (see TUCaN). The available room details for the individual dates in TUCaN represent the attendance planning.

The technical access to online teaching takes place via Moodle. Here you will also find the link to the online broadcast before the lecture. You were automatically registered for the CAE/CAD Moodle course when you registered in TUCaN. If you have any problems with the Moodle course, please contact [b][/b]. You will then receive all further information via Moodle.

Sustainability Reference of the Course Contents
Increase sustainability in the product creation process through digitalisation

Semester: WT 2023/24