Digital Teaching
[h1]Collective Werben[/h1]

Can education and the exchange of knowledge influence and change existing structures and societies? How can learning and research create a contribution in rural areas and promote exchange between cities and countryside? What role can free learning concepts take?
The interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and perspectives can strengthen communities and identity - education enhances development. In the shadow of the bigger cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Magdeburg and Lübeck, an educational hub in the form of an countryside branch of the universities is to be developed in the context of the existing structures of the Komturei Werben. 
In dialogue with the city, its inhabitants and surroundings, we are investigating what synergies a building of education and knowledge exchange can create locally. How can this strengthen the rural area? What do the spaces of free learning concepts look like? Can the existing building structures be reused and have a developing effect on the surrounding area with a purpose? 
Together with the collaborative architecture practice OFEA from Berlin, we want to look at the context and substance of the existing buildings in an on-site workshop.

[url=]For more information, please visit the ENB department website[/url]

Semester: ST 2023