During this course, students will learn Python scripting in the environment of Rhino and Grasshopper. This seminar will investigate the potentials of algorithmic procedures for architectural design. It will enhance the student's knowledge of algorithms by developing computational thinking and scripting skills. Students will have an opportunity to explore forms and patterns generating based on mathematical and physical world principles. The seminar will be composed of a weekly course on Python scripting, with assignments focused on the production of drawings through coding. The last week of the seminar, a workshop will be hosted at DDU during which the students will have the opportunity to test a variety of tracing tools mounted on a six-axis robot to produce physical drawings based on their scripts of the semester. These drawings will be displayed later in the year at an exhibition organized as part of the LOEWE Architectures of Order research project.

[url=http://www.dg.architektur.tu-darmstadt.de/studium/index.de.jsp]Semesterprogramm DDU[/url]



Semester: SoSe 2023