Digital Teaching
The offer for digital teaching will be announced in the first lecture.

Course Contents
The aim of the lecture is to demonstrate the ability of overall systems to change through technological innovation. This is done on the basis of future technical developments in the field of aviation, such as the use of drones, personal air vehicles, autonomous aircraft, and commercial orbital flights. The mechanisms to be observed are explained in terms of system-relevant technical, political, and societal change mechanisms in aviation. Current technical research projects of aviation stakeholders (aircraft manufacturers, airports, airlines, air traffic control, authorities) are individually presented, evaluated, classified and their mutual influence on the overall system is discussed. Of particular importance here are the advancing digitalization, networking and automation. These radically change processes, functions, responsibilities and ultimately jobs. In addition, the event will also explore the extent to which economic, social and technological decision-making for the (further) development of complex technical systems can be transferred from aviation to other industries.

Schmitt, Gollnick: Air Transport System, Springer 2015;
Hirst: The Air Transport System, Woodhead Publishing 2008;
Mensen: Handbuch der Luftfahrt, Springer 2013;
Scheiderer: Angewandte Flugleistung, Springer 2008

Expected Number of Participants

Official Course Description
Future air traffic, like all complex technical systems, is subject to change through evolution and revolution: an irregular alternation between incremental and radical change. These processes of change are not limited to technical developments, but are also influenced above all by political, economic and social factors. For commercial aviation, these include the regulation of novel technologies, the shift in economic focus to the Asia-Pacific region, and societal acceptance of increasing automation. At the same time, environmental challenges interact with a continuous increase in demand for aircraft movements.

The lecture Future Air Transportation Systems deals with identifying and describing factors influencing the overall system in order to anticipate both short-term and long-term changes. In this context, the effects of digitalization, networking and automation are highlighted and the development of urban, autonomous and orbital air traffic is included in the consideration.

Additional Information
Teaching assignment Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schiefele

Online Offerings

Semester: Inverno 2023/24