[*]Osterhammel, Jürgen u. Petersson, Niels P., Geschichte der Globalisierung. Dimensionen, Prozesse, Epochen, 4. durchges. Aufl., München 2007.
[*]Torp, Cornelius, Weltwirtschafts vor dem Weltkrieg. Die erste Welle ökonomischer Globalisierung vor 1914, in: Historische Zeitschrift 279, 2004, S. 561-609.
[*]Hardach, Gerd, Kontinuität und Wandel, Hessens Wirtschaft seit 1945, Darmstadt 2007.

Official Course Description
Companies are central drivers of globalization. The seminar examines how local companies have been increasingly involved in transnational networks of production and knowledge creation since the end of the 19th century. The focus lies on technical innovations and product histories of well-known Hessian companies such as Buderus, Braun, Leitz, Opel or Selters. The step-by-step progress from the first serum against diphtheria to the launch of the Behring plant in Marburg and the Corona vaccine from BioNTech will also be addressed to demonstrate the close interaction between science and industry that characterized many historical "start-ups". But not only success stories are told. Through fierce international competition and price wars many former successful brands did fail. Colonialist exploitation boosted the profits of Hessian entrepreneurs, but during the world wars, isolation and a severe lack of resources disconnected many companies from the world market. Here, too, we will look at how both the disruptions and the dynamics of globalization affected domestic business.

The seminar is linked to a historical exhibition which the lecturer curated as head of the Hessian Economic Archive ([url][/url]). The course schedule includes some hand-on sessions to provide insights into key aspects of historical communication.

Semester: Inverno 2023/24