Course Contents
Special cases of real estate valuation: compensation for expropriation, public utility land, initial and final value in urban redevelopment and development procedures, agricultural land, forest, mining land, compensatory land,
International valuation methods: discounted cash flow, residual value
Special cases of urban land readjustment: allocation of development land subject to contributions, compensatory land, provision of substitute land, noise protection facilities
Instruments of special urban planning law: urban redevelopment, development procedures Rural development: problems of developing rural areas; village renewal; special cases of land consolidation: Simplified land consolidation procedures, corporate land consolidation, forest and vineyard land consolidation

Dieterich: Baulandumlegung, Beck Verlag;
Sprengnetter: Grundstücksbewertung, Wertermittlungsforum;
Kleiber/Simon/Weyers: Verkehrswertermittlung von Grundstücken;
Schwantag/Wingerter: Flurbereinigung

necessary: Bodenordnung und Bodenwirtschaft I
strongly recommended: Grundlagen der räumlichen Planung
recommended: Ausgewählte Kapitel der kommunalen Bauleitplanung

Expected Number of Participants

Official Course Description
After attending the course, students are able to,
- solve special cases of real estate valuation independently.
- apply international valuation methods.
- develop and implement urban renewal concepts.
- initiate and implement developments of rural areas, including settlement areas.

Semester: WT 2023/24