Surface water sampling in the field, determination of field parameters, quantitative analysis of major anions and cations as well as organic compounds in the laboratory (IC, AAS), calculation of ion balance, evaluation of plausibility and quality of water analyses, typing due to classification schemes.

Nollet, L.M.L. (2007): Handbook of Water Analyses.- 784 p.; CRC Press Int.

Basics in chemistry

Zusätzliche Informationen
This course will be accompanied by practical laboratory work. Details will be given in class.

No participation in case of suspected pregnancy, pregnancy, or during the breastfeeding period. Please contact the study affairs office (Dr. Roehl).

Bemerkung Webportal
Includes the Laboratory Course


Course Contents
Surface water sampling in the field, determination of field parameters, quantitative analysis of major anions and cations as well as organic compounds in the laboratory (IC, AAS), calculation of ion balance, evaluation of plausibility and quality of water analyses, typing due to classification schemes.

Nollet, L.M.L. (2007): Handbook of Water Analyses.- 784 p.; CRC Press Int.

Basics in chemistry

Additional Information
This course will be accompanied by practical laboratory work. Details will be given in class.

Risk Assessment
No participation in case of suspected pregnancy, pregnancy, or during the breastfeeding period. Please contact the study affairs office (Dr. Roehl).

Online Offerings

Semester: WiSe 2023/24