Official Course Description
[h1]The Logistics of Anciet Construction Projects[/h1]
In the post-industrial age, the construction industry is considered a crucial indicator of economic development. But even in ancient times, intensive construction phases provided a dynamic of resources of a material, human or financial nature. Above all, they acted as a motor for development processes and innovations, even if they were associated with great practical challenges.
Using the example of the city of Miletus, one of the best documented centres of ancient Asia Minor in terms of history, archaeology and architectural history, this seminar will examine the logistics of ancient building projects. Based on graphic documentation (ground plans and elevations) of selected Milesian structures, building volumes will be quantified, the carving steps of ancient architectural elements and the construction processes will be reconstructed on the basis of photographic documentation and profile drawings, and finally, taking into account modern engineering manuals of the 19th century, the working times will be calculated.
The goal of the seminar is to provide a basic understanding of ancient construction processes as well as an overview of the methods used to quantify ancient and pre-industrial construction economics.
Assignments: Group work; using a case study of a Milesian building/section of a building, reconstruct the work processes graphically or quantify the volume of construction and the amount of work.
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3 CP
Blockevent 05.-06.02 all day
[h1]The Logistics of Anciet Construction Projects[/h1]
In the post-industrial age, the construction industry is considered a crucial indicator of economic development. But even in ancient times, intensive construction phases provided a dynamic of resources of a material, human or financial nature. Above all, they acted as a motor for development processes and innovations, even if they were associated with great practical challenges.
Using the example of the city of Miletus, one of the best documented centres of ancient Asia Minor in terms of history, archaeology and architectural history, this seminar will examine the logistics of ancient building projects. Based on graphic documentation (ground plans and elevations) of selected Milesian structures, building volumes will be quantified, the carving steps of ancient architectural elements and the construction processes will be reconstructed on the basis of photographic documentation and profile drawings, and finally, taking into account modern engineering manuals of the 19th century, the working times will be calculated.
The goal of the seminar is to provide a basic understanding of ancient construction processes as well as an overview of the methods used to quantify ancient and pre-industrial construction economics.
Assignments: Group work; using a case study of a Milesian building/section of a building, reconstruct the work processes graphically or quantify the volume of construction and the amount of work.
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Additional Information
3 CP
Blockevent 05.-06.02 all day
- Lecturer: Franziska Lang
- Lecturer: Natalia Toma-Kansteiner
Semester: WT 2023/24