Course Contents
In this course, we will focus on several classes of Solid State Materials where Quantum Mechanics can be applied to get the physical properties, including but not limited to
* Wannier functions and tight-binding
* metals, insulators, and metal-insulator transition
* ferroelectric polarization, i.e., Berry phase theory
* graphene
* topological insulators
* magnetism, (super) exchange interaction
* transport, e.g., diffusive, mesoscopic
* linear-response theory
* surface and interface
* phonons
* mean-field theory and strong correlations
All the topics will be discussed by solving simple models numerically, with Python modules prepared for/developed during the courses. Hands-on tutorials will be arranged with access to clusters where calculations can be done, in order to get deep understanding of the theory behind each class of phenomena.
Requirements: basic quantum mechanics, and basic knowledge of programming
References: Handout will be distributed for each lecture, with detailed theory, guide for numerical implementation, and further literature.
- Lecturer: Hongbin Zhang