Course Contents
This advanced seminar is about cutting-edge research in networked embedded systems, with a particular focus on wireless sensor networks, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things. We will discuss research papers that present novel ideas and results on the design, development, deployment, application, and fundamental limits of these systems. The papers will cover a broad range of topics, from mobile sensing and embedded machine learning to wireless networking and energy harvesting. After choosing a research paper, each student writes a
term paper that summarizes the original paper. Afterward, each student reviews 2-3 term papers, and uses the feedback provided in the reviews to revise her/his term paper. Moreover, each student presents her/his research paper during one of the meetings. Students are requested to actively participate in the meetings, allowing for lively discussions in a pleasant atmosphere.

Participation is limited to 12 students.

Semester: WT 2023/24