Digitale Lehre
The lecture will be held in presence in SoSe 2024. It starts in week 16 (from 16.04.2022).

Part of the subject will be taught according to the inverted classroom method.

Further information and material is found in the associated moodle course:

(Die Vorlesung wird in englischer Sprache gehalten)

1. Introduction and statistical description
[u]Statistical approach (RANS/ URANS)[/u]
2. Turbulent diffusion and mixing length models
3. 1-equationn models
4. Length and time scales of turbulence
5. 2-equation models
6. Reynolds stress equation models
[u]Spectral approach to turbulence[/u]
7. Fourier transform
8. Apllication of Fourier transform
[u]Scale resolving simulations (LES)[/u]
9. Filtered Navier Stokes equation / LES
10./11. Subgrid scale modelling
12. LES of near wall flows and hybrid models

Material is available via Moodle. Supplementary literature will be announced in the lecture.

The lecture "Technische Strömungslehre" is recommended.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Online lessons from previous years will remain available to students via Moodle (in deutscher Sprache verfügbar).

Administrative Anmerkung (nicht-öffentlich)

Bemerkung Webportal
Die Veranstaltung ist 2-teilig. Der erste Teil des Semesters entspricht dem Modul Modellierung turbulenter technischer Strömungen I (4 Kreditpunkte). Es folgt als zweiter Teil das Modul Modellierung turbulenter technischer Strömungen II (ebenfalls 4 Kreditpunkte).


Digital Teaching
The lecture will be held in presence in SoSe 2024. It starts in week 16 (from 16.04.2022).

Part of the subject will be taught according to the inverted classroom method.

Further information and material is found in the associated moodle course:

Course Contents
1. Introduction and statistical description
[u]Statistical approach (RANS/ URANS)[/u]
2. Turbulent diffusion and mixing length models
3. 1-equationn models
4. Length and time scales of turbulence
5. 2-equation models
6. Reynolds stress equation models
[u]Spectral approach to turbulence[/u]
7. Fourier transform
8. Apllication of Fourier transform
[u]Scale resolving simulations (LES)[/u]
9. Filtered Navier Stokes equation / LES
10./11. Subgrid scale modelling
12. LES of near wall flows and hybrid models

Material is available via Moodle. Supplementary literature will be announced in the lecture.

The lecture "Technische Strömungslehre" is recommended.

Additional Information
Online lessons from previous years will remain available to students via Moodle (only in german available).

Online Offerings

Semester: ST 2024