Course Contents
The lecture is based on research publications on cell biology of the epigenome. In particular, the following topics are presented and discussed: nucleus structure and function; replication of the (epi)genome; reprogramming and (trans)differentiation, epigenetics and chromatin, (epi)genetic engineering. These are completed by (audio-visual) tutorials on methods in molecular cell biology and epigenetics as well as computational analysis tools.

General cell biology text books, e.g.:
·       Alberts, Molecular Biology of the Cell
·       Lodish, Molecular Cell Biology
·       Pollard and Earnshaw, Cell Biology
Epigenetics text books, e.g.:
·       Allis et al; Epigenetics
·       Misteli and Spector; The Nucleus
·       Cook; Principles of Nuclear Structure and Function
Internet material:
·       Databases (;
·       Light Microscopy
·       Scientific articles (research articles and reviews)
·       AI tools


Additional Information

Online Offerings

Semester: WT 2024/25