Course Contents
[*]Introduction to basic neuroscientific principles
[*]Overview of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders
[*]Physiological basis and clinical applications of structural brain imaging with MRI & CT
[*]Physiological basis and clinical applications of functional brain imaging with hemodynamic (fMRI, PET) and electrophysiological (MEG, EEG, ECoG) methods
[*]Finding neuronal correlates of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders in brain imaging data
[*]Preprocessing and analysis of functional brain imaging data
[*]Artefact removal, source reconstruction, and filtering
[*]Power spectra and event-related potentials
[*]Analysis of correlations, phase synchronization, and cross-frequency coupling
[*]Application of graph theory to brain networks
[*]Critical dynamics of the brain
[*]Computational models of healthy and clinical neuronal activity
[*]Machine learning approaches in clinical neuroscience
[*]Overview of brain stimulation approaches and their clinical applications
[*]Hans Op de Beeck & Chie Nakatani: Introduction to Human Neuroimaging. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
[*]Eric Kandel: Principles of Neural Science, sixth edition. McGraw Hill, New York, 2021.
[*]Suzan Uysal: Functional Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neuroscience. Oxford University Press, 2023.
18-zo-1030 Fundamentals of Signal Processing (recommended)
- Lecturer: Felix Siebenhühner