The lecture reviews the different levels of energy management. It then focuses on economic dispatch and discusses its different use cases like optimization of self-consumption, virtual power plants, electric vehicle load management or multi-modal neighborhood optimization. Relevant knowledge about the components to be controlled as well as the markets to be addressed is explained.
After this introduction to economic dispatch‘s application environment, the lecture focuses on the methods employed. The underlying mathematical formulations as different types of optimization problems (LP, MILP, QP, stochastic optimization) are reviewed. In parallel, a practical introduction to numerical optimization is given (descent algorithms, convergence, convexity, programming languages for the formulation of optimization problems). Moreover, an introduction into simple methods for the prognosis of future values (linear regression) is provided.All methodological learning is accompanied by hands-on exercises using the Matlab/Octave and the GAMS/AMPL software environments.

Boyd, Vandenberghe: Convex Optimization, Cambridge University Press, 2004A GAMS Tutorial by Richard E. Rosenthal, https://www.gams.com/24.8/docs/userguides/userguide/_u_g__tutorial.html

Standard knowledge of linear algebra and multivariate analysis as well as basic knowledge in the use of Matlab/Octave is required. Knowledge of the modules „Kraftwerke & EE“ or „Energiewirtschaft“ is helpful but not necessarry.

Semester: Verão 2020