Digitale Lehre
We teach the course as a 'flipped classroom': the digital analysis methods are made available in advance via screencasts by the teachers. At practice time there is then specific advice via video conference (zoom). The students' presentations at the end of the semester are held in a video conference with all participants.

Moodle is our central platform throughout the semester. For all tasks you can start from here!

We start our first class meeting as a video conference with everyone!     


The class is dedicated to the historical questions of the seminar "How does literary history emerge?" using the methods of digital literary studies. We will conduct corpus analyses whose goal is to explore the relationship of canonical literature to those works that literary history has forgotten. These are mainly works by women, which is why our leading variable is 'gender'. Using the means of stylometry, topic modeling and network analysis, we want to investigate, among other things, the grouping behavior and centrality of known and unknown texts. We work on the basis of "R" or with "R-Studio" and use the network analysis software "Visone" ( To attend this class together with the historical seminar is highly recommended.

Semester: Verão 2020