This lecture gives a broad overview of central topics in modern corporate finance (such as mergers and acquisitions, financial distress, managerial incentives, payout policy, corporate governance and empirical methods). The course will introduce students to theoretical concepts and empirical research on central topics of corporate finance. By the end of the course, students will have a general understanding of the main issues in theoretical and empirical corporate finance and the methodologies used to obtain these results.

Berk, DeMarzo: Corporate Finance

Basic understanding of finance is recommended

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Further Grading Information
During the lecture, students can gain institutional, methodological, theoretical, and empirical insights into one of the most important fields of corporate finance.
[*]Institutionally, students learn about key market participants and market structure metrics for global M&As;
[*]Methodologically, students learn company evaluation procedures and their practical applications, as well as the event study methodology for empirical corporate finance;
[*]Theoretically, students learn the knowledge of market for corporate control, which is classified into basic approaches of economic theory (in particular the information-economic theory) with the status quo of empirical research.

Official Course Description
This lecture gives a broad overview of central topics in modern corporate finance (such as mergers and acquisitions, financial distress, managerial incentives, payout policy, corporate governance and empirical methods). The course will introduce students to theoretical concepts and empirical research on central topics of corporate finance. By the end of the course, students will have a general understanding of the main issues in theoretical and empirical corporate finance and the methodologies used to obtain these results. The lectures will be held in German and students will have to read paper or book chapter for each lecture. The final oral test will be in German.

Zusätzliche Informationen
taught in English since summer term 2016


Semester: ST 2020