Digitale Lehre
Our class on global energy politics will take place from next Monday on and as of today until 01.06. will be an online class only. This will be a challenge for all of us, particularly as we are almost 40 participants who have signed up for the class. The class  will sometimes be a bit of a mess and we will also be witness to internet problems etc... But I am sure with some patience on all sides, we manage!

Monday 20.04.2020 at 13.30, all you need is to join the class via zoom. You will find the link in moodle.

Yergin, D. (2012): The Quest. Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World. New York, NY: Penguin Books.

Official Course Description
The seminar provides an overview of global energy politics with a particular focus on renewable energy. After reviewing the politics of fossil fuels, we will discuss how energy systems can be transformed. We will analyze the setup of renewable energy systems and broader geopolitical questions that energy questions bring up. In the second part of the seminar students will present short reports on various energy transitions all over the world.

Semester: ST 2020