The theoretical knowledge from the lecture is extended in this tutorial. Therefore the commercial finite element software ANSYS is used to caculate different structure mechanical problems.

Four practical exercises and a final self-chosen project are carried out to gain a better insight into the workflow with a FEM software tool.

The exercices and the final report will be done in groups of 2 people.

The tutorial is based on the lecture finite element analysis in structural mechanics. This lecture should already be visited.

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Zusätzliche Informationen
Start: 10.04.2018
Lesson: tuesday 09:50 - 11:30 Uhr; thursday 14:25-16:05 Uhr
Room: S4|10 - 302

Registration to this course (first come first serve) via mail to munz@fnb.tu-darmstadt.de, starting 01.03.2018.

The assignment of groups of two is organized in the corresponding Moodle course, starting 01.03.2018.

Bemerkung Webportal
The tutorial takes place annually at the end of the winter semester and is held as a one-week block seminar. The exercices, final report and the presentation of the results will be done in groups of 2 people. Further information concerning registration for the tutorial can be found on the department's website: [url]http://www.fnb.tu-darmstadt.de/lehre_fnb/fnb_tutorien/fnb_fem_t/fnb_fem_tut.en.jsp[/url]


Semester: ST 2020