In this tutorial, manufacturing processes for diverse demonstrators, e.g. printed loudspeakers, are introduced. For this purpose, conventional printing techniques as well as post-press processes (cutting, gluing, stamping) and laser structuring are covered.

In the hands-on training, various conventional printing techniques like screen, flexography and offset printing are used for demonstrator manufacturing. Here we explain why specific techniques are more suitable for the production of certain products than others and how processes are managed within print production. A writing pad, a 3D-printed game and a flexible loudspeaker will be produced during this tutorial. Based on the newly gained knowledge, participants should develop and implement new product ideas.

lecture notes

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Zusätzliche Informationen
For registration please send an email to Thorsten Euler ([url=mailto:euler@idd.tu-darmstadt.de]euler@idd.tu-darmstadt.de[/url]).
Registration deadline (via email as well as in TUCaN): 19.08.2016.

Preliminary meeting: 23.08.2016, 10:00 Uhr room S110/103.
Block course: 12.09. - 23.09.2016 full time.

Bemerkung Webportal
For further informations please see the [url=http://www.idd.tu-darmstadt.de/][u]homepage[/u][/url].

Semester: ST 2020