Course Contents
[b]20/20 Vision: Past & Present Futures of Technology[/b]

20/20 Vision is a measure for perfect eyesight. But as the saying goes, we have 20/20 vision only when we are looking back and never when we look ahead. Or in German: “Hinterher ist man immer schlauer.“ And yet, the future is in high demand – the future of our planet, the future of mobility or work, the future of the human being. This interest in the future is fueled by technology and visions of how it will transform the world. But as we marvel at the future of AI, we might remember that AI has disappointed us before – are we really on the way towards “spiritual machines” or just very efficient data-processors? Similarly, whatever happened to the promising future of nanotechnology? Caught in the middle between 20/20 hindsight and starry-eyed foresight, how are we to judge the visionaries and their visions of new technologies? The 2020 lecture series will explore the past and present futures of science and technology from a multitude of perspectives, it will feature technovisionaries and their critics, it will discuss how expectations of the future burden the present, or ask what technological visions have to do with utopian or dystopian thinking in politics.

[b]Currently, we are adapting our program to virtual teaching. We will use ZOOM and MOODLE. 
Further information on our lecture program either to be found in TUCaN "Material" or on:

You will receive more detailed information via Moodle shortly.

Should you have any questions, please let us know:[/b]

Semester: ST 2020