The module “Building Construction” consists of the sessions of Building Construction Practice (BK-UE) and Building Construction Project (BK-P). 

The BK-UE session includes several practical lectures and homework. As a result of the supervised practical lectures, graphic preparations, such as for instance outlines, sections, views, axonometric projections or details for a specified building are to be prepared and submitted. Complementing to this, minor reconstruction or extension measures at the already known project shall be planned in the homework and visualized by means of drawings and a model. 

For further information see under Homepage www.kgbauko.de

1) Frick/Knöll/Neumann/Weinbrenner: Baukonstruktionslehre 1 
31. Auflage, B. G. Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart 1997 or younger 
2) Frick/Knöll/Neumann/Weinbrenner: Baukonstruktionslehre 2 
30. Auflage, B. G. Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart 1998 or younger 
3) Dierks/Schneider/Wermuth: Baukonstruktion 
4. Auflage, Werner Verlag, 1997 or younger 
4) Schneider : Bautabellen für Ingenieure 
14. Auflage, Werner Verlag, 2001 or younger 
5) Neufert: Bauentwurfslehre 
6) Mittag: Baukonstruktionslehre 
7) Petersen: Stahlbau 
8) Petersen: Statik und Stabilität der Baukonstruktionen 

A lecture script is available! 
For further literature: see www.kgbauko.de 

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Further Grading Information
CAD - skills are recommended. The possibility of self - acquirement at the beginning of the term is supported. Any gained abilities will be applied during the course.

Nachhaltigkeitsbezug der Veranstaltungsinhalte
A reference to sustainability in the context of planning activities is given!


Semester: Verão 2022