[b]Role in the curriculum[/b]
Physics II is part of the introductory course in experimental physics for physics majors in the B.Sc. program, the teacher-education program, and for students majoring in mathematics, computer science, or other subjects.

I. Mechanical oscillations and waves
II. Electrodynamics
[*]Direct currents and current networks
[*]Time-dependent fields
[*]Maxwell's equations
[*]Electromagnetic oscillations and waves
III. Special relativity (time permitting)
[*]Inertial systems
Consequences of the Lorentz transformation

Please use a textbook in addition to the material published on the moodle page of this course.  To find a textbook most suitable for you, please check the various books prior to purchase.

The books listed below will be cited regularly in the course materials.  Please be aware of differences arising from different editions or versions in different languages.  The course materials will refer to the editions and versions listed on the German course descrption page, largely different from the list given here for English-language books.
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th ed.,
Pearson Education, London 2013
[*]Halliday, Resnick, Walker:
Fundamentals of Physics: Extended, 11th ed.,
John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ 2018
[*]Tipler, Mosca:
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 6th ed.,
WH Freeman, New York, NY 2008
[*]Feynman, Leighton, Sands:
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. I,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1963
[*]Feynman, Leighton, Sands:
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. II,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1964

Mathematical preparation course recommended
Physik I recommended; for students commencing their studies in the summer term and those having failed the exam in Physik I, we recommend participation in the physical preparation course.

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Further Grading Information

The course is partially based on the flipped-classroom concept.  For specific lectures, students are required to study written materials or/and videos in advance.  The "lecture" will be used to discuss your questions, concepts, and problems. 

For in-class quizzes and problems, we will use the on-line voting system PINGO (link to PINGO homepage here).  Please bring your smart phone, a tablet computer, or a laptop.


Passing the written two-hour exam is required for passing the course.  Tentative exam date: Thu July 23, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

[i]Grade-point bonus[/i]

There will be quizzes announced at the beginning of the term.  The two best quizzes count.  If the marks obtained in the quizzes is better than the grade obatined in the written exam, a grade-point bonus up to 0.4 grade points will be awarded.  

Official Course Description
cf. course handbook:

Zusätzliche Informationen
Weekly problem tutorials are offered.  The focus of these tutorials is on collaborative problem solving.  Homework problems are offered; homework may be handed in the following week for assessment.  Problems (and later also solutions) will be published in moodle. 

[*]Visiting closed room and lecture halls with large number of participants may stimulate fatigue. We will ask you to open doors and (where available) windows during the breaks. To take environmental issues into consideration, excessive heat loss is to be avoided in heated rooms when venting.
[*]Be advised that mainaining a monotonous, restricted posture (sitting) should be avoided over extended periods of time.  Please use the breaks for your personal mobilization.
[*]Also take care of an adaequate seating position when taking notes or when using electronic devices because in lecture halls the recommendations of the workplace guidelines may not be guaranteed.
[*]The lecture halls, in which lecture and recitation sessions will be held, are equipped with stairs.  Please note possible tripping hazards.  Due to safety reasons, the class cannot start if stairs, flights, or escape routes are blocked, e.g., because of a too large number of participants.
[*]For the case of a possible evacuation (fire, smoke, threat, emergency situations, etc.), please inform yourself before the start of the course about the posted evacuation plans.  Follow the signs to the emergency exits.
[*]Should you become aware of an emergency situation (fire, smoke, threat, etc.), please notify teaching personnel immediately. 


Semester: Verão 2020